Murder Book - Promise Not To Tell (Season 1 Episode)
The day we shot this Murder Book episode for Investigation Discovery, I had a pretty severely sprained ankle. I got it trying to scare off a mean neighborhood cat who was terrorizing my neighbor's very sweet and handicapped kitty, Alfred. Alfred was hit by a car a couple of years ago and his back legs are pretty unreliable. So I came barreling down the steps to save the day. While I did successfully scare him off, I also heard a loud pop and gave myself the worst sprained ankle I have ever had. Which resulted in 6 weeks of no running!!! It was pretty much not worth it, but whaddaya gonna do...right?
Anyway, I showed up on set really trying to hide my gimpyness. I was worried that if they knew I was injured that I wouldn't be able to climb down into the hole at the dig site. Suprisingly I felt pretty good all day. Just had to ice it when I got home.
I have to say, I put a lot of research into this job. I spent days reading up on forensic anthropology. I watched Bones, a show I DVR anyway because I adore David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, to get a feel for the language. And I printed out skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems from an anatomy website to study. It reminded me of helping my mom color in her anatomy book when she was studying to be a nurse. Then I read as much as I could about the actual case. What I'm trying to say is that I seriously nerded out on this.
While the case is very sad - which I guess they all are on a show called Murder Book - it was great to play the part of the person who helped catch the culprit. The showed aired in January of 2015 and you can find it on on demand. Just Click Here!